Our Technology

Our Dentist Office Provides the Latest in Dental Technology for Amsterdam, NY


A panorex is the latest in dental imaging machinery. This technology is specifically designed to give dentists a complete, detailed picture of your head, jaw, and sinuses; something that X-rays are unable to do. Our friendly dental assistants will kindly ask you to position your head properly. The machine will then rotate around your entire head, taking a full 360-degree view of the teeth, head, sinuses, and bones to make sure everything is functioning properly. This is a key component to examining your overall health because these parts of the body work together to ultimately determine your oral health status.
root canal Gloversville, NY

After this thorough examination, you can feel confident that there are no underlying issues to be addressed. The panorex is capable of viewing specific types of structural problems, infections, or asymmetry, among many other factors that contribute to your oral health.

Rotary Endodontics

Endodontics, more commonly known as root canal, is a procedure where the roots or nerves of the tooth are removed to avoid any further progression of the infection. Our team will make sure that you are 100% comfortable throughout the procedure and following the procedure as well.

Rotary endodontics is the latest advancement in root canal performance. This technology utilizes a state-of-the-art electrical handpiece that our skilled dentists will use to get to the root of the problem, no pun intended. This tool often makes the process faster and allows the dentist to perform the process with greater ease and with your complete comfort in mind.

Call today to learn more about our latest technology!

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